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Totem con pannello, altezza regolabile

Il totem piuma regolabile è un totem che può avere una stampa di diverse dimensioni.
La base è in pvc-hd molto duro e resistente, dim 32x32 cm.
L'asta verticale è in alluminio con i supporti regolabili.
E' acquistabile con pannelli di diverse dimensioni: 70 x 100 cm, 80x150 cm, 90x180 cm, 100x200 cm, ma può ospitare pannelli di dimensioni intermedie.

Print only the replacement
Request professional verification of files (+ 4,00 €)?
All orders always include a free basic check that verifies:
- that the size corresponds to the chosen format.
- that the resolution is appropriate to the chosen support.

If you buy professional verification of the files, additional checks will be performed verifying:
- that the margins are respected.
- the distance of the graphics and text from the edge.
- the orientation of the front and back.
- the correct graphic layout according to the format chosen including possible folds.
- the pdf for magazines: size back, number of pages, file cover.
Request the creation of custom graphics (+ 25,00 €)?
We cen realize the design of your product to print.
The shipment date is indicative and not exhaustive. The delivery date will depend on when the payment is notified and sent the file to print.
Select shipment date
Monday 20 May Mon 20 May
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